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Electronic versions of papers are provided as a professional courtesy to ensure timely dissemination of academic work for individual, noncommercial purposes. Copyright resides with the respective copyright holders, as stated within each paper. These files may not be reposted without permission.

Under review

Summerell, E., Xiao, W., Huang, C., Terranova, J., Gilam, G., Paolo, R., & Denson, T. F. tDCS over vmPFC reduces reactive aggression in intoxicated individuals.


Gilam, G., Darnall, B.D., Edwards, K.A., Ziadni M.S., Mackey, S.C. & Lii, T. “Evidence-based” needs to be based on Evidence – A response to Giddon’s Letter regarding Edwards et al, Is there an association between lateralization of chronic pain in the body and depression? â€‹The Journal of Pain


Edwards, K.A., Lii, T., Schouten, T.D., Kearney, K.M., Ziadni M.S., Darnall, B.D., Mackey, S.C. & Gilam, G. Is there an association between lateralization of chronic pain in the body and depression? â€‹The Journal of Pain


Gilam, G., Silvert, J., Raev, S., Malka, D., Gluzman, I., Rush, M., Elkana, O., & Aloush, V. Perceived injustice and anger in fibromyalgia patients with and without comorbid mental health conditions: A Hebrew validation of the Injustice Experience Questionnaire. Clinical Journal of Pain




Schiller, D., Yu, A.N.C., …,Gilam, G., …, & Lowe, L. The Human Affectome.​ Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews​


Webster, F. Connoy, L., ..., Gilam, G., ..., & Darnall, B.D. Patient responses to the term pain catastrophizing: Thematic analysis of cross-sectional international data.​ The Journal of Pain




Weber II, K.A., Teplin, Z.M., Wager, T.D., Law, C.S., Prabhakar, N., Asher, Y.K., Gilam, G., Banerjee, S., Delp, S.L., Glover, G.H., Hastie, T.J., & Mackey, S.C. Confounds in neuroimaging: A clear case of sex as a confound in brain-based prediction.​ Frontiers in Neurology


Mackey. S.C., Gilam, G., Darnall, B.D., Goldin, P.R., Kong J.T., Law, C.S.W., Heirich, M., Karayannis, N.V., Kao, M.C., Tian, L., Manber, R., & Gross, J.J. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, and Acupuncture in Chronic Low Back Pain: Protocol for Two Linked Randomized Controlled Trials.​ JMIR Research Protocols


Shany, O., Gurevitch, G., Gilam, G., Dunsky, N., Balter, S., Greental, A., Nutkevitch, N., Eldar, E., & Hendler, T. A corticostriatal pathway mediating self-efficacy enhancement. NJP Mental Health Research


Shany, O., Dunsky, N., G., Gilam, G., Greental, A., Gilboa-Schechtman, E., & Hendler, T. Self-evaluation of social rank in socially anxious individuals associates with enhanced striatal reward function. Psychological Medicine


Ekhtiari, H., Ghobadi-Azbari, P., ... Gilam, G.,  ... & Bikson, M. A Checklist for Assessing the Methodological Quality of Concurrent tES-fMRI Studies (ContES Checklist): A Consensus Study and Statement. Nature Protocols, 17, 596-617


Mercer Lindsay, N., Chen, C., Gilam, G., Mackey, S.C., & Scherrer, G. Brain Circuits for pain and its treatment. Science Translational Medicine, 13(619), eabj7360.


Shany*, O., Greental*, A., Gilam, G., Perry, D., Bleich-Cohen, M., Ovadia, M., Cohen, A., Hendler*, T., & Raz*, G. Somatic engagement alters subsequent neurobehavioral correlates of affective mentalizing. Human Brain Mapping, 42(18), 5846-5861.  


Gilam, G., Cramer, E. M., Weber, K. A., Ziadni, M. S., Kao, M. C., & Mackey, S.C. Classifying chronic pain using multidimensional pain-agnostic symptom assessments and clustering analysis. Science Advances, 7(37), eabj0320.


Zhang, J., ten Brink, M., Kreibig, S.D., Gilam, G., Manber, R., Mackey, S.C., & Gross, J.J. Individual differences in perceived sleep quality does not predict negative affect reactivity or regulation. Biological Psychology, 164, 108149.


Beames, J.R., Gilam, G., Schofield, T.P., Schira, M.M., & Denson, T.F. The impact of self-control training on neural responses following anger provocation. Social Neuroscience.


Gilam, G., Horing, B., Sivan, R. Weinman, N., & Mackey, S.C. The decline in task performance after witnessing rudeness is moderated by emotional empathy - a pilot study. Frontiers in Psychology - Personality and Social Psychology.  Materials and data available at:


Gilam, G., Gross, J.J., Wager, T.D., Keefe, F.J., Mackey, S.C. What is the relationship between pain and emotion? Bridging constructs and communities. Neuron.


Alia-Klein, N., Gan, G., Gilam, G., Bezek, J., Bruno, A., Denson, T., Hendler, T., Lowe, L., Mariotti, V., Muscatello, M.R.A., Palumbo, S., Pellegrini, S., Pietrini, P., Rizzo, A. The feeling of anger: From brain networks to linguistic expressions. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 108, 480-497.


You, D.S., Ziadni, M., Gilam, G., Darnall, B.D., & Mackey, S.C. Evaluation of candidate items for severe PTSD screening for patients with chronic pain: Pilot data analysis with IRT approach. Pain Practice, 20(3), 262-268.


Gilam, G., Sturgeon, J.A., You, D.S., Wasan, A.D., Darnall, B.D., & Mackey, S.C. Negative affect has the strongest association with prescription opioid misuse in a cross-sectional cohort of patients with chronic pain. Pain Medicine, 21(2), e127-e138.


Gilam*, G., Abend*, R., Gurevitch, G., Erdman, A., Baker, H., Ben-Zion, Z., & Hendler, T. Attenuating anger and aggression with neuromodulation of the vmPFC – a simultaneous tDCS-fMRI study. Cortex, 109, 156-170; *equal contribution.


Jacob, Y., Gilam, G., Lin, T., Raz, G., & Hendler, T. Anger modulates influence hierarchies within and between emotional reactivity and regulation networks. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience – Anger and Interpersonal Aggression Research Topic.


Gilam*, G., Abend*, R., Shani, Ben-Zion, Z., & Hendler, T. The anger-infused Ultimatum Game: a reliable and valid paradigm to induce and assess anger. Emotion, 19, 84-96; *equal contribution.


Gilam*, G., Maron-Katz*, A., Kliper, E., Lin, T., Shamir, R. & Hendler, T. Tracing the neural carryover effects of interpersonal anger on resting-state fMRI in men and their relation to traumatic stress symptoms in a subsample of soldiers. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience – Anger and Interpersonal Aggression Research Topic; *equal contribution.


Raz, G., Svanera, M., Singer, N., Gilam, G., Bleich-Cohen, M., Lin, T., Admon, R., Gonen, T., Thaler, A., Granot, R.Y., Goebel, R., Benini, S., Valente, G. Robust inter-subject audiovisual decoding in functional magnetic resonance imaging using high-dimensional regression. Neuroimage, 163, 244-263.


Geffen, T., Thaler, A., Gilam, G., Ben-Simon, E., Sarid, N., Gurevich, T., Giladi, N., Shabtai, H., Zitser, J., Schilman, E., Sharon, H. Reduced mind wandering in patients with Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders, 44, 38-42.


Abraham, E., Gilam, G., Kanat-Maymon, Y., Jacob, Y., Zagoory-Sharon, O., Hendler, T., & Feldman, R. The human coparental bond implicates distinct corticostriatal pathways; Longitudinal impact on family formation and child well-being. Neuropsychopharmacology, 42(12), 2301-2313.


Gilam, G., Ne'eman, Y.J., Raz, G., Lin, T., Fruchter, E., & Hendler, T. Stoic regulation: The influence of military combat-training on neurobehavioral indices of anger. Published by Nova Science Publishers in Anxiety and Anger: Predictors, Coping Strategies and Health Effects, Cruz, J.F. & Sofia, R. Eds.


Lin*, T., Gilam*, G., Raz, G., Or-Borichev, A., Bar-Haim, Y., Fruchter, E., & Hendler, T. Accessible neurobehavioral anger-related markers for vulnerability to post-traumatic stress symptoms in a population of male soldiers. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience; *equal contribution.


Gilam, G., Lin, T., Fruchter, E., & Hendler, T. Neural indicators of interpersonal anger as cause and consequence of combat-training stress symptoms. Psychological Medicine, 47(9), 1561-1572.


Cohen, D., Perry, A., Gilam, G., Mayseless, N., Gonen, T., Hendler, T., & Shamay-Tsoory, S. The role of oxytocin in modulating interpersonal space: a pharmacological fMRI study. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 76, 77-83.


Singer, N., Jacobi, N., Lin, T., Raz G., Shpigelman, L., Gilam G., Granot, R.Y., & Hendler T. (2016). Common modulation of limbic network activation underlies the unfolding of musical emotions and its temporal attributes. Neuroimage, 141, 517-529.


Gilam, G., & Hendler, T. (2016). With love, from me to you: Embedding social interactions in affective neuroscience. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 68, 590-601.


Raz*, G., Touroutoglou*, A., Wilson-Mendenhall, C., Gilam, G., Lin, T., Gonen, T., Jacob, Y., Atzil, S., Admon, R., Bleich-Cohen, M., Maron-Katz, A., Hendler, T., & Barrett, L.F. (2016). Functional connectivity dynamics during film viewing reveal common networks for different emotional experiences. Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, 16(4), 709-723; *equal contribution.


Keynan, J.N., Meir-Hasson, Y., Gilam, G., Cohen, A., Jakont, G., Kinreich, S., Ikar, L., Or-Borichev, A., Etkin, A., Gyurak, A., Klovatch, I., Intrator, N., & Hendler, T. (2016). Limbic activity modulation guided by fMRI-Inspired EEG improves implicit emotion regulation. Biological Psychiatry, 80(6), 490-496.


Gilam, G., & Hendler, T. Deconstructing anger in the human brain. Published in Social Behavior from Rodents to Humans: Neural Foundations and Clinical Implications, by Springer in the series Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences, WÓ§hr, M. & Krach, S. Eds.


Gilam, G., Lin, T., Raz, G., Azrielant, S., Fruchter, E., Ariely, D. & Hendler, T. Neural substrates underlaying the tendency to accept anger-infused ultimatum offers during dynamic social interactions. Neuroimage, 120, 400-411.


Vainapel, S., Shamir, O.Y., Tenenbaum, Y., & Gilam, G. The dark side of gendered language: The masculine-generic form as a cause for self-report bias. Psychological Assessment, 27(4), 1513-1519.

Before 2015

Raz G., Weintraub Y., Jacob Y., Kinreich S., Maron-Katz A., Shaham G., Podlipsky I., Gilam G., Soreq E. & Hendler T. (2012). Portraying emotions at their unfolding: a multilayered approach for probing dynamics of neural networks. Neuroimage, 60(2), 1448-1461.


Dvash, J., Gilam, G., Ben-Zeev, A., Hendler, T. & Shamay-Tsoory, SG. (2010). The envious brain: the neural basis of social comparison. Human Brain Mapping, 31(11), 1741-1750.


Gilam, G. (2016). A prospective neurobehavioral investigation of anger experience and its regulation in humans - A prelude to PTSD symptoms. Ph.D. Thesis.


Gilam, G. (2009). Doors into Consciousness. Galileo Magazine, 128, 36-45 (Hebrew; non peer-reviewed).

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